From my experience in clinical practice and seeing hundreds of people with Pyrrole Disorder, I have put together an introduction webinar on this condition. I am researching this condition and will be publishing a study on this soon!
Level 1 - Pyrrole Disorder Introduction & New Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment
This information and training is for people with Pyrrole Disorder, parents and family members, as well as for practitioners (Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Doctors/GPs, Integrative Doctors etc), or mental health practitioners (Psychologists and Psychiatrists). This webinar and training includes the following information:
Introduction of the Pyrrole Disorder and related conditions
Explaining what it Pyrrole Disorder is and its causes
How Pyrrole Disorder affects the body and your health
Testing for the Pyrrole Disorder
The treatments for Pyrrole Disorder
Other secrets you need to know.
This approximate 4-hour introduction training to Pyrrole Disorder is recorded and the webinar replay and full webinar notes are available HERE, and can be accessed as often as you need. Tickets: are available now for $69 each, and family members can attend and watch together!
Level 2 - Pyrrole Disorder - Advanced training for health professionals
Coming very soon! Contact me via email ([email protected]) for more details.
Redefining ADHD: Causes, controversies, research & treatments
This new webinar is relevant to Pyrrole Disorder, as a large percentage of people who test positive for Pyrrole Disorder have often also been diagnosed with ADHD. So is it really Pyrrole Disorder, or ADHD, or both. Or the same thing? Find out more in this webinar!
ADHD is a common diagnosis for people to have, but there are many controversies about this condition, its testing, diagnosis, and treatments.
Such as:
In every condition or diagnosis, there will ALWAYS be causes of the condition, why do doctors or other practitioners never seem to try to find the causes of the ADHD, and just prescribe medications for it, forever?
Why are there not any biochemical, physiological or blood pathology tests available to prove you have ADHD? (ADHD is just a diagnosis of observation of behaviours, or ticking symptoms on a checklist, which isn't ideal nor accurate)
Why are all the other symptoms and conditions which a person with ADHD has (such as digestive issues, sleep issues, inflammation, oxidative stress, anaemia and others), ignored in the diagnosis and "treatment"? Or in other words, the ADHD diagnosis is based on analysing the "head" only, and ignoring all the symptoms of the rest of the body
Why most people would be diagnosed with ADHD if they completed the diagnostic assessment in times of stress
Many people with ADHD just say this condition is just "normal", and will take ownership of the condition and not treat it. However there are some serious long-term progressions of this condition if not treated
Why does ADHD seem to run in families or in some ethnicities in many cases, but not in others?
I look into finding all the known root causes of all conditions and symptoms, hence why I know there are some known causes of ADHD, which can be easily treated to reduce symptoms and improve health, and not depend on long-term use of medications which cause a lot of side effects.
In this approx 10-hour webinar, I will be looking into the details of ADHD, including:
The problems with diagnosing ADHD, and whether ADHD is a real diagnosis or not!
What is ADHD compared to other ASD or neurological conditions
Symptoms of ADHD, including the whole body symptoms that are not taken into account in an ADHD diagnosis
If ADHD isn't a complete diagnosis or a real condition, and cannot be tested, then what is it?
Testing for "ADHD", and the tests which SHOULD be done but are not typically done
What causes ADHD. Yes there are known causes
The complications or risks of not treating ADHD
Holistic/Nutritional/Naturopathic testing, and treatment of ADHD
Treating ADHD naturally and holistically
Preventing ADHD! Yes this is possible
Research and published studies on ADHD
And much more.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with ADHD, this webinar can help to understand the condition better, and help to reduce symptoms, improve health, and give long-term resolution for this controversial diagnosis. If you are a health practitioner (Naturopath, Nutritionist, Doctor, or other Allied Health practitioner), this webinar can help you to better understand this diagnosis and other related conditions, and how to better help clients with ADHD. Please share this event to others you know who could benefit from this information.